© 2008 CSC Brands LP
•John Hilrhnrr
Rrrllnt Brook*
El on Pivhfl
Kristen Hitchner
i 'ir
Lotitaa Schuh
Arthur Enttnott*
Jyjirm idr»ci
John Hitchner
Gladys Priekitt
Joseph Winstel
Dorothy Emmons
Grant Hitchner
Kim Winstel
get potatoes from a tree.
Vegetable /
It’s a fam ily tree. K risten H itc h n e r grow s h ig h -q u ality potatoes for
con d en sed soups, as d id her father an d her g ran d fath er — all on the sam e A m erican
fam ily farm . W e just th o u g h t you m ig h t enjoy th e w holesom e ingredients in ou r
soups even m ore if you could trace th e m back to th eir roots. Visit
ou r all-new site c a m p b e lls .c o m /c o n d e n s e d to learn m ore.
So m any, m any reasons it's so.M'm!
M'm! Good!
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